My name is Khamsy I teach the Lao language at the National University of Laos. I joined the teacher training course “Teaching English as a Second, Language – Curriculum Planning and Pedagogy” August 2019 in Vientiane. My trainer Joyce Seow is one of the best and my favourite trainer. She is a professional with much knowledge, experiences and training capacity. After participating in the training, I had a paradigm shift in teaching language, particular in andragogy (teaching adults) & became an effective facilitator, I’m able to create high quality lesson plans too. This course has significantly and positively impacted on my teaching. Now, my language classes are student driven. My students are more active, engaged and enjoy their learning. Another good news is I have been offered a part time job as an English language teacher at one of the famous colleges in the city. Happily, I am more confident in my career and more importantly, I feel much fulfillment at my work and I love it all the more. Thank you.
Mr. Khamsy Tonpraserth, Lao Language Department, Faculty of Letters, National University of Laos.
I attended the teacher-training course last august 2019, in Vientiane. During the course I learnt many new teaching skills from our trainer, Ms Joyce Seow. I find the methodology very useful for my teaching and I’ve applied them in my class, I especially benefitted from how to develop a lesson plan, what main aims I have for my students and how to achieve the aims. This teacher-training has been very helpful for me, it has guided me during my teaching in the various stages of the lesson. I’m able to handle and manage the classroom as I am more prepared for each lesson. My students find the lessons fun, with activities, games and exercises. They are engaged in the lessons all the time. Now I feel more confident and deliver a more effective lesson.
Mr. Khamsing KEOTHOUMMA, Department of Community Forest and Rural Development, Faculty of Forest Science, University of Laos
I attended the 3 week “Intermediate English Language and Communication Skills” course in 2018. We are grateful to the Singapore government for funding the entire course, useful content, sending enthusiastic teachers like yourself, to impart the knowledge & help us to confidently communicate in English, improve presentation skills, speaking, listening and pronunciation skills. We have also learnt how to conduct meetings, teamwork, pairwork, social interaction skills etc. I hope that the cooperation between the two governments of Vietnam and Singapore will continue to develop. And prosperity in ASEAN countries.
Mr. Phan Thi Nguyet Que, Center of National and Administrative Boundaries Department of survey, Mapping and Geographic information of Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE)
I attended the Advanced English Language & Communication Skills course from 2017. Before joining the course, my professional communication level is limited. Fortunately, the course was designed to develop my workplace literacy and knowledge. Now, I have more confidence. In terms of communication skills, I am able to listen, read, speak, comprehend and write with a higher level of English. It is because I have learned how to pronounce the end sound/phonemic correctly with the help of my lecturer, Joyce Seow. Also, I learnt the skills in letter and emails writing; good tips on editing and proof-reading. I now organize information effectively and with confidence and express myself accurately in letters and emails. I see immediate improvement in my communication skills. I’ve got more confidence in impromptu speeches and know the criteria on how to speak with easy. The most important part of this course is the project proposal and proposal-drafting practice since I have applied the tips in my proposals. I produced two draft proposals and need to be finalized for requesting fund. Moreover, my department requires me to do more proposals in order to achieve national goals. In conclusion this course is very important for me as a government official. After finishing the course, I have more confidence and have produced noticeable achievements. Thank you.
Ms. San Dana, Vice Chief Officer Air Quality and Noise Department Ministry of Environment PhnomPenh, Cambodia
This teacher training course has impacted my teaching tremendously. I’m applying all the techniques and tools taught by Ms Joyce Seow. My students are enjoying my classes so much more. My classes are now student driven. They love to participate in the creative activities. It has given me confidence and creativity, I could not have done it without this teacher training course I appreciate all your advice.
Ms. Manivanh Sengphachanh, Department of History and Archaeology, Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Laos

I would like to convey all my best regards and many thanks to the Vietnam- Signapore Cooperation Center that offered us the opportunity to join the Intermediate English languages and communication skills course. This course brought me many valuable English skills and experience as well as the relationship with others. Firstly, I’m grateful for the many ways and methods to approach and improve many English skills such as: pronounciating, speaking, listenting, writing, translating, team working and presenting the report or project in front of the audience in the workshops or conferences as well as making mind map. I have improved my English skills and I am more confident in communication with the people who speak English. I have more energy, motivation and passion to improve my English daily. I have also developed strong relationships with other participants in the class who came from many government departments. We will cooperate and collaborate. I now know more about Singapore and Singaporeans. Personally, I try my best to seek more cooperation activities with Singaporean and International partners in the tasks of my organization.
Mr. Do Van Xuan, Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam Acting Manager: The Center for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (VISTIP)
I attended the Advanced English Language & Communication Skills course in Cambodia October 2017. This is the first time I have learnt English at an International standard. In this course, I acquired a wealth of knowledge for workplace literacy. My grammar, letter-writing, proposal-writing, report-writing and presentation skills have indeed improved. On completion of the course, I realised the importance of such an effective course. At my workplace, I’m definitely more confident now. In addition, I now enjoy writing in English and am able to translate my work from English to Khmer. I am motivated to write proposals for my department and researching on ICT in education.